Faithful Blessings Bouquet

Item # FBBS
Faithful Blessings Bouquet
Faithful Blessings Bouquet
Faithful Blessings Bouquet
Faithful Blessings Bouquet

Bouquet Size


Faithful Blessings Bouquet Details

The Faithful Blessings Bouquet is an incredible way to celebrate a communion, confirmation, or wedding, as well as send your sympathy for the loss of a loved one. Bringing together stems of fragrant Oriental Lilies, boasting multiple blooms on each stem to create a full and lush flower bouquet, this offering of flowers will bring peace and beauty to any of life's special moments and occasions. Presented in a keepsake designer white ceramic vase with a stunning cross on the front, this exquisite flower arrangement exudes heartfelt blessings with each eye–catching, star–shaped lily.

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Substitution & Delivery Policy

*PLEASE READ* We need the option to substitute based on our standards of quality, look, and feel. It is a difficult time right now in our industry to get certain flowers AND vases. Don't worry! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL regardless of any change we need to make! If you really need that certain item, please call the store and let us know immediately.

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